Jan 28, 2012


There’s a phrase that I like to mention in our trading room frequently – “When you do your job everyday, you can expect to get paid. Continue to work hard, and you’ll get a bonus.” This is a phrase that to some may seem obvious because many of  us used to have or still have jobs outside of trading.  However, that’s not the case.
When I say the phrase “When you do your job everyday, you can expect to get paid.“, I don’t mean it from the perspective that you should expect to make money every single day – not at all.  What I mean is – that if you are disciplined in your approach and you are following a set plan (with rules of course), then you can expect to make money overall.  It may not be everyday, it may not be every week, but over the course of time (so long as you have a quantifiable edge) you should and will make more money than you lose.

I’ve talked before about the importance of doing nothing – and many traders probably don’t realize that they are burning much of their capital when they are trading out of boredom.  I have found that “doing your job” really does mean doing nothing at times.  It means just staring at the markets while they move – and not feeling upset that you didn’t “catch the move”.  That’s just not how successful traders think.  A successful trader let’s the market figure out what it wants to do, and just participates when his edge tells him too.

The second part of that phrase “Continue to work hard, and you’ll get a bonus.” comes from the pure fact that if you really are disciplined in your trading, and you really do follow a trading plan,  every once in a while, you’ll get a trade or a move that you didn’t expect at all. I’m sure it’s happened to many of you who are reading this.  You take a trade, and maybe it hits your target super quickly and keeps on going. Or you wake up the next day and the stock you were in has gaped in your direction.  All things you had no anticipation of happening, but because you followed your plan, and did what you were suppose to do, you got a bonus.
So remember, do your job.  Be disciplined in your approach.  Have a proven trading system that you know works in whatever market(s) you trade.  As long as you do that you can expect to get paid.

courtesy :-http://www.ratiotrading.com

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